Friday 26 February 2010

First day!

This is my first day on this blog, and the first blog I've ever made so far, quite exciting to be honest. So until I get to understand this system abit better, it'll stay abit simple
Hope you'll enjoy your minutes in my mind;)

I'm putting out some drawings I've made, and well...for now they'll show themselfs here\o
I'm not very advanced in my drawing, and I'm certainly not pro, but I want to get better, and always work on my style. This is one I made without much focus, when I'm letting myself get carried away and just go with the lines. And that's where I ended up.
Mostly my drawings are filled with mistakes cause I'm too unpatient, so I cheated with her^^ gave her a big dress, and made it easy and fast
I can do better, and worse;)